Recruitment Services

Demand for quantitative research and technology specialists in the financial and technology fields has soared in lockstep with the growth of high-volume, data-driven trading. We have a record of success in delivering superior candidates and guidance to a spectrum of successful startups and established financial and trading firms. Our global contacts and extensive knowledge of organizational cultures allows us to connect the most qualified candidates with the best opportunities.

Systematic Trading

Pnl Growth: Integra has a history of contributing to the growth of  P&L of successful hedge funds and trading firms. This is how we measure successful partnerships. Every search we execute and every referral we make has this one goal.


Partnering with technology and trading firms, Integra has helped companies scale world class research teams and organizations. Based on two decades of data collection, Integra has identified a core set of factors that translate into successful research hires, regardless of the latest techniques or buzzwords.


Integra has partnered with early and later stage technology companies to build out their core engineering teams. For Integra’s core partners, our metrics for referral to offer and referral to hire are industry leading. Integra’s goal is to limit the number of client interviews and create a candidate experience that is informative and without friction.

Recruitment Services